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The Ascended Life

When the Position Becomes the Relationship


Bernita J. Conway

A believer does not need to wait until Heaven to experience an intimate relationship with the Lord. When you are born again, your life becomes His, and He pours His life into yours. This is the mystery that the Bible reveals: you in Him and He in you. Bernita Conway explains from personal study and experiences the truth of "abiding in the Vine," the Lord Jesus Christ. When you grasp this understanding and begin to walk in it, it will change your whole life and relationship with your heavenly Father!

- Dr. Bernita J. Conway

Chapter 6 - Who We Are In Him

Eternal Life is a person, Jesus Christ. When we go to be with Him in Heaven, we will be in God. All His creation will become one at that time. Yet God is seeking that now, in us while we are here on this earth. He wants us to become so close to Him and have such a wonderful relationship with Him that, when we receive Him, we become sons of God. In Him we come together into one. We become part of the whole body of Christ. - page 61